SubiNats23 Wrap up
So SubiNats23 is done and it was an amazing event, we really felt the love for our brand, and the growth it's undergoing.

A lot of changes are still to come, we have a big range of things in the pipeline, and we appreciate the patience from all of our customers for some of the developments. My wife says it's like BB has "fans" and we could not be more grateful and humbled by the support. We are far too modest for that kind of thing, but it's more proof for me we make people happy, and thats what counts.
It's a big tent, we all love the brand and Subaru Australia have been supporting our growth, and we have been involved with some of the 50th Anniversary roll out and we couldn't say there is a greater achievement so far, it's VERY humbling.

Being involved with the amazing Mighty Car Mods Brumby project was awesome, it looked so good in the sun!

The RS was getting alot of love and we surprised everyone with the reveal of the BP legacy livery inspired by the S1 RS seen in the Swedish rally in 91.

I must say the RS is such a pivotal car to Subaru culture and I have always been so inspired by RS owners and enthusiasts, it was amazing to see Ivan's nut and bolt restoration of his white RS sedan, it was pure joy, and sported a range of Boxer Beauty stickers, his work is 2nd to none.

Thanks again to The WRX Club and the incredible support from the members and committee and we were so happy they chose us to have made a range of items for the event, like the Show & Shine stickers, the windscreen banners and a whole slew of other items for officials and for the cars.

And congratulations to all the competitors, the cars looked amazing, we were chuffed at the sponsorship stickers applied, the cars looked amazing, we really hope you had a good time of it, and got the results you were driving for, your passion for racing and competition drives us, hopefully more and more you will see Sean out on the skid pan with the RS for some events in the next year, and possibly for the shootout next year!

Going forward, please sign up to our newsletter, and tell your friends, as more and more we want to give out content that is for you to consume at your leisure, as well as special offers, and many of the attendees pointed out they dont have FB or Insta where things can get lost and drowned out.
On to next year, SubiNats24!!!