4WD TURBO Leone/Loyale Side Passenger Door Stickers - Pair
4WD TURBO Leone/Loyale Side Passenger Door Stickers - Pair
This is a pair of reproduction 4WD TURBO stickers done in the original style with the clear inside the lines and contour cut as found on the originals.
These are clear with a clear laminate and are printed with a white backing so these can be used on any LIGHT OR DARK coloured vehicles, these will look good on ANY Leone, Loyale or even XT, Vortex or Alcyone.
The dark versions have a new version of the 4, (a transition toward an "A" for AWD seen in the late 80s). These appear to be in the later series cars.
Seen on the back passenger doors of the Leone and Loyale Sedans and Wagons, sometimes positioned on the front doors, both under the side bump strips.
If you are aware of more colours or other variations and sizes please let us know.
This sticker pair are an almost PERFECT match to the originals.
Polymeric clear with clear laminate 5y
UV solvent
Size is 465mm x 45mm