The AU (Australian) Delivered RS TURBO

The AU (Australian) Delivered RS TURBO

So, what car started the WRX?

Well, the car the original GC8 was based on is the first generation Legacy or as it's known in Australia the LIBERTY, Subaru developed many 4WD vehicles in early rally and racing national and international events, but the platform that would launch them on the WRC world stage came from the 1st Generation Legacy.

In Australia, the turbo model was given great upgrades, some of which are found on other models in different markets, and some features were somewhat new and unique to the Australian model, over time, we will post and discuss these here.

This legacy - pun intended, makes it a special breed, it has a passionate following, here in Australia and around the world, and it is a car that is well loved, and has stood the test of time, both in terms of design but also in reliability.

There are so many details we want to cover, but for now, take a look at Micheal Kynoch's awesome breakdown of the model's build stats and a breakdown of it's colours and options, here:


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Hey Greg,

Had no idea there was a post here! Found it today, I am still building a lot of inventory and other developments are underway, sorry for the late response!

Yes, the clear material is a “pre-space” or application paper, and is to be removed, there is no problem leaving it, but that material won’t adhere well and will come off, it is used to mix different vinyls, and allow for proper placement of separate elements after applying the decals.

Thanks for coming!


Sean O'Sullivan

Hi my son Brett purchased a RS Liberty decal kit for my 1992 RS sedan which are fantastic but the question I have is after install both the front guard and boot lid decals do I need to remove the outer clear coating film or does it stay as one with the lettering.
That’s Greg Parker

Greg Parker

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